The Big Switch

Monday, 15 October 07
Starting from this article this is no longer an Italian blog... but an English one, and all the next articles will be written in English. The reason for this switch is that, after all, the target of this blog is not huge even in world scale, go figure if you look just at Italy. Moreover most of my current readers are able to read an article written in English, especially if I'm the author (my English is pretty basic, but I can write it without any additional effort compared to when I write Italian stuff).

The feeling that everybody barely able to read English can read what I can write stimulate me a lot, and I'm happy that now I can actively contribute to two of the few sites I read multiple times in my usual work day, that are and

I'm sorry if you are a former reader not comfortable reading English stuff, the only alternative to this was to close the blog at all: I take the writing activity as important and I must do everything I can in order to maximize the impact of this activity spending the same amount of time.

I hope to see you here in this blog in the future.
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