Why you should boycott Nokia

Thursday, 22 October 09
Nokia just annunced an action against Apple:
Nokia announced that it has today filed a complaint against Apple with the Federal District Court in Delaware, alleging that Apple's iPhone infringes Nokia patents for GSM, UMTS and wireless LAN (WLAN) standards.
To me this sounds like: if you can't compete with the quality of the products you can try to sue to beat your competitor. This is not acceptable. Even more sad is that Nokia patents are more or less unavoidable, this is what I understand from the Nokia press release itself:
The ten patents in suit relate to technologies fundamental to making devices which are compatible with one or more of the GSM, UMTS (3G WCDMA) and wireless LAN standards. The patents cover wireless data, speech coding, security and encryption and are infringed by all Apple iPhone models shipped since the iPhone was introduced in 2007
This is just too sad. I'll never purchase another Nokia phone in the future.
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