Ruby on Rails for Microsoft developers

Tuesday, 07 April 09
My friend Antonio Cangiano just published a book about the development of Ruby on Rails applications for developers that come from Microsoft development. Usually Rails is a Linux/MacOSx geeks land, but thanks to the book of Antonio Microsoft Developers can read a book that exposes the Rails concepts from a point of view they are comfortable with. This is the editorial description of the book:
This definitive guide examines how to take advantage of the new Agile methodologies offered when using Ruby on Rails (RoR). You'll quickly grasp the RoR methodology by focusing on the RoR development from the point of view of the beginner- to intermediate-level Microsoft developer. Plus, you'll get a reliable roadmap for migrating your applications, skill set, and development processes to the newer, more agile programming platform that RoR offers.
I didn't read the book, yet, but Antonio is a friend of mine and he is very skilled in many fields, from Agile development, to Ruby, and Math. I'm sure you'll enjoy his book.

You can buy the book on Amazon (no referral link).
Posted at 12:51:05 | permalink | discuss | print
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