The Redis Community Survey

Wednesday, 13 June 12
I'm a fan of mood-driven development. Among all the stuff I can work to, in order to improve Redis, I tend to favor things that for some reason make me excited more than others: because they are interesting to implement, or because I think the user base needs those new features or fixes a lot, or because I would love to have such features as an user.

Mood-driven development is cool because when you do what you think makes sense, what you like, you are, simply, 10 times better at it. Fortunately my mood is not too lunatic, but is instead influenced by one thing more than everything else: the needs of the Redis community. I love that Redis is used more and more, this makes me feel well because there are other programmers that are trying to build things on top of Redis, so my work is not useless.

But look, Redis has many different moods as well: it's used for analytics, as a cache, messaging system, primary storage system, additional storage, and in many other ways. It's not always trivial to figure out how people are using Redis, what are their top priorities. So we started talking about this at VMware and the result is the Redis Community Survey.

It's a survey you can compile in 5 minutes. But your 5 minutes will mean a lot for us, and can provide insights about what to do first, in what directions we can evolve the system to make sure it is more useful for our users. So if you are a Redis user please take a few minutes to compile and submit the survey.

Your help is very appreciated! Thanks in advance.
Posted at 10:15:47 | permalink | discuss | print
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