Asus EEE PC, not just a little and cheap laptop

Saturday, 01 March 08

When I saw the 100$ laptop...

My first thoughts was cool! this is going to be a huge hit in the developed countries, apart from its future about a cheap laptop for childrens in poor countries.

The low price and the big portability, the native support for wifi stimulated my dreams about this little computers that were almost as easy to carry around as cellular phones but much more usable, with a fairly big screen and a real keyboard. The low cost and the fact that in many cities there are a lot of open wifi around meant that everybody in principle could have a computer and be connected, everywhere. Every student can afford to buy a 300$ (this was the planned price if I remember correctly to buy the 100$ PC if you lived in developed countries) that let him to surf the web, chat with people and so on.

The EEEpc

Asus EEEPC Compared to the EEEpc, tha OLPC (One Laptop Per Child, OLPC, is the real name of the informally known as 100$ PC) was not so cool even if equally priced, this was due to the fact that the price of the OLPC in the developed countries had to buy laptops for free to poor childrens. Because the EEEpc instead is a pure for profit thing it offers an impressive set of features, like a decent 900Mhz Celeron CPU, 512Mb of RAM, 3 usb ports, a nice integrated webcam that is much better than many cheap webcams you can find around, and many other interesting features.

Still the real question is not just about price and portability, but: we really need a laptop that's so little at the point that the keyboard is a bit uncomfortable before a bit of training? After all there are already full featured laptops with great screens and keyboards, while more expansive and more weight they are after all just better in every other point of view. Still I and a lot of people already holding this cool laptops purchased the EEEpc, and for a good reason.

Normal 15.4" laptops are actually just trasportable computers

The real problem is that we are humans driving cars, taking flights, walking kilometers for streets to move from one point of the city to another one, so even a factor of two about size and weight will do a lot of difference, at the point that after I experimented for some day the EEEpc I'm not going to think at my Toshiba laptop as a portable computer anymore: it is actually just a transportable computer.

Indoor portability

What I mean is that actually even if we don't consider that to carry 2,5 Kg of weight around is not exactly cool (the EEEpc weights 0,9 Kg battery included instead, without to consider that the transformer is much light than a laptop transformer) old laptops don't have enough indoor portability.

The lack of indoor portability is evident if you look at people in airports with computers on their legs, or when you need to move in another room and take your standard laptop with you. It is simply not an object you can carry around without problems like you do with a cellular phone. The EEEpc instead is the kind of object you can really carry around without problems, without additional hardware since everything is really important is there and the computer itself is designed to work well without the need of accessories.

And yes... this makes a lot of difference and we should consider the EEEpc a new set of devices, not just small cheap class B laptops.
Posted at 17:36:17 | permalink | 8 comments | print
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Volo Mike writes:
09 Apr 08, 12:52:49
I like the idea of no moving parts in this thing. Laptop hard drives seriously take a beating. Previously when we were all using Windows and Linux was so far out of reach both from an ease of use standpoint and from a driver standpoint, we had to live with hard drive size requirements. But now that these problems are largely fixed in Linux, and since Linux has very minimal disk space requirements, it wins on this platform where a thinned-down XP barely leaves room for little else. It's also great fun to see this device doing so well in the market to the point that Microsoft even shifted their position with a head spin -- now extending support of XP for a few more years, failing to admit the embarrassing failure in Vista.

Another great thing about this device is its sturdiness and its size that is just about right. In fact, the next model to come out in 2008 or perhaps 2009 will be just a slight bit more reasonable, and I'm waiting on that, plus looking at the cash difference, to see whether I'll commit to getting one of these things.
29 Jul 08, 23:19:14
If we see towards the computer world there are many generations has passed away.Todays the people like the Laptops.The laptop is very user friendly cos you can carry anywhere.Now a days there are many latest Laptops in the market like Lenovo Laptops, HCL Laptop, acer Laptop and many more.
Free Laptops writes:
30 Jul 08, 00:54:35
30 Jul 08, 05:26:49
If You are thinking to buy laptop than always prefer to best configuration. Your laptop should be of best configuration in cheap prices. Your laptop have high sped processor, max storage capacity and quality battery backup.
03 Sep 08, 11:45:31
Nice laptops reviews for $100. I think MacBook laptop was also very thin and slim but not was so cheap. Another thing like laptops Sony has announced to launch TV in world's market.
Graziano writes:
06 Sep 08, 03:24:26
I agree: it's portable but what about screen and freedom?
I own an Asus EEE Pc 701 and after some times I could use the tiny keyboard very well but the screen... :)
I really can't do anything with that. it really drives me crazy!

The other point is that I hoped the Asus EEE pc could be a freedom respectful laptop but it is not.

Those models (701, 900, 1000) have wifi that relies on proprietary firmware to function properly so I can't run a 100% free GNU/Linux distribution like gNewSense on it:

I think Asus missed the point and I am waiting the next month for a 100% free Lemote laptop: writes:
28 Mar 11, 08:00:32
I have one and I am glad with it. The notebook works fine and the Operating System is optimized for the web site navigation and other web tasks. writes:
10 Apr 11, 11:19:42
Mini PC have their use but tablets should also be looked at for portability. SIM only deals
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